Our team

Senior (physician) researchers / Faculty

Ralf E. Harskamp
Assistant professor / GP / Principal investigator

Research interests:
early detection and management of cardiovascular disease in community-based settings

Jelle C.L. Himmelreich
Postdoctoral researcher / GP

Research interests: 
risk prediction modelling of cardiovascular disease in general practice

Eric P. Moll van Charante
Full professor / GP /
Principal investigator

Research interests: prevention of cardiovascular disease and dementia in urban communities

Eda Sert
Senior research administrator

Research interests:
clinical trial support
project management

Junior (physician) researchers

Evert P.M. Karregat
PhD student / GP

Research interests: handheld ECG diagnostics


Amy Manten
PhD student / GP resident

Research interests: triage of acute chest pain in primary care

Tessa Brik
PhD student / GP resident

Research interests: screening and detection of atrial fibrillation

Jakob Schroevers

PhD student / GP resident

Research interests: cardiovascular risk factors for developing dementia

Lukas De Clercq
PhD student / Data scientist

Research interests: machine learning in medicine (focus on heart failure)

Indra M. Melessen
PhD student / research physician

Research interests: troponin testing in primary care

Joshua van Apeldoorn
PhD student / research physician

Research interests: ethnic diversity in cardiovascular risk / prevention